Schumann Bavaria

The company name of "Schumann Bavaria" was "Porzellanfabrik Carl Schumann".

"Porzellanfabrik Carl Schumann" was a German porcelain manufacturer established by Carl Schumann in 1881 in Arzberg, Bavaria, Germany.

Schumann Bavaria Marks






c.1920 ~ c.1930




c.1930 ~ 1940s

Schumann Bavaria porcelain

I like the Schumann Bavaria Dresden flower pattern, so I have collected a lot.
Here are some.



5 pieces


pierced ones


pierced plate








1946 ~ 49


1946 ~ 49




1955 ~


1960 ~ 70


The "U.S. Zone" mark on porcelain refers to the period immediately after World War II when certain areas of Germany were under the administration of the United States.

After the war, Germany was divided into occupation zones controlled by different Allied forces, and the U.S. Zone specifically referred to the region administered by the United States.

The presence of "U.S. Zone" on porcelain marks indicates that the piece was manufactured in Germany during this post-war period (1946-1949) when the country was under U.S. control. These marks were usually used on porcelains exported from Germany to the United States during that time.


1980 ~


1980 ~