
"Schirnding Porzellan" refers to a porcelain manufacturer based in Schirnding, Germany.

The founder of Schirnding Porzellan was Christian Friedrich Hoehr, who established the company in 1887. Throughout its history, Schirnding Porzellan remained a family-owned business.

In 2004, Schirnding Porzellan merged with the Seltmann Weiden Group, forming the Seltmann Group.

The other source: Lorenz Reichel founded the company in 1909.

Schirnding Marks




1910 ~ 1945


1949 ~ 59


1956 ~ 74


1956 ~ 74

1946~49 marks has US ZONE stamp.


1970s ~ 89


1989 ~ 91


1992 ~