The Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur (KPM), translated as the Royal Porcelain Manufactory, is a renowned German porcelain manufacturer with a rich history dating back to the 18th century.
Founded in 1763 in Berlin by Frederick II of Prussia
The company name of KPM was changed a couple of times.
Old KPM marks

c.1840 ~ c.1890

c.1840 ~

c.1840 ~
These marks were used before 1900.

c.1840 ~

c.1840 ~
There are different opinions that KPM stands for “Krister Porzellan Manufaktur” or “Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur”.
However, in my opinion, those were two different companies.

c.1925 ~ 45

c.1925 ~ 45

c.1935 ~ 45

c.1935 ~ 45

c.1945 used shortly
Tried to cover 'Germany'
And Royal Ivory was introduced in 1930s.