Colclough is a well-known English porcelain company that has a history dating back to the late 19th century. The company was originally founded in 1890 by Herbert Joseph Colclough in Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England.

Over the years, the company went through various mergers and acquisitions.

Booth & Colclough → Ridgway, Adderley, Booth & Colclough → Ridgways(1940s) → Midland Pottery Holdings*(1968) → Royal Doulton(1972) → Wedgwood(2004) → Fiskars(2015)

*Midland Pottery Holdings was a British group of pottery companies that was founded in 1968. The group included Royal Doulton, Allied English Pottery, Ridgways Potteries, and Booths Potteries.







Colclough teacup

c.1930s ~ 1950s





1950s ~

Royal Swan Marks

Royal Swan was one of the trade name of Booth & Colclough




1950s ~

Royal Vale Marks

Royal Vale was one of the trade name of Booth & Colclough, too.




1950s ~