The Mark Identifier is based on the AI technology. So make sure that ‘Mark Identifier’ is not perfect and accurate. You cannot use the result as if it were “truth”. It can show you a totally off-the-wall result.
Please just use it only for reference. The Mark Identifier is free for personal use.
I hope this can help you. Thanks.
In order to identify more accurately, Prepare a proper porcelain mark image like below.
Good to use
Mark image should be in the center and clear.
It would be much better to crop your image to be seen only mark.
With background
Light reflection
With stickers
Special version marks
After arriving IDENTIFIER page, wait a second for Initializing. It may take 2~5 second according to your Internet speed.
Some results will show you “see more marks” by language. It links to the page for the porcelain brand. It would help you to learn more about the marks of the identified brand.
If you don't get the results, try a different picture. As mentioned above, IDENTIFIER is not perfect, so it might be a good idea to try it multiple times.